About Me

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I can't live without my mascara (because i have small eyes)... I love good chocolate, good cheese and good wine (especially White Chardonnay)... I love colourful patent leather ballerina from Salvatore Ferragamo (but they ain't have my size and I stil can't afford it)... I like reading (book, magazine and even map)... I like writing (and that's why I'm here)... I love travelling (and always wanted to be a back-packer)... I'm like an active volcano (so don't mess with me)... I have high standards and principles for myself, as well as for others (so sometimes people hate me)...

Monday, August 4, 2008

Man. Tomato. Virginity.

I read a story on how men look at virginity. It’s been years and I hardly remember the source and the author. No matter how, the story changes my perception. Now, I am gonna re-tell this interesting story to everyone.

As one reads about the title “Man. Tomato. Virginity”, it doesn’t really sound appealing. Yes, men do have some sort of thoughts towards virginity, but what to do with tomato? Here, we are going to examine how men perceive virginity through the way they choose a tomato.

Ladies, if you ever have a chance to go to supermarket with a guy, be it your normal friend or boyfriend or partner, try asking him a question that sounds silly – “How would you choose a tomato?”

Typically, most of the people will say: “Stand in front of those juicy tomatoes, starring and examining them thoroughly. Look for the tomato with perfect round shape, flawless smooth skin in beautiful cherry red. Once spotted, pick it up and press it gently – to make sure the ripeness is just perfect to be eaten!”

Great! Follow-up questions – “If you have spoiled one particular tomato because of excessive strength in pressing while examining it, will you put it back and get another one? Will you keep pressing and examining until you found the perfect one?”

I guess you know the answer now! Most of the people, (I mean most, NOT ALL), will answer “Definitely! I pay for it and I want the best of’em!”

Well, this is just an article, don’t take it too serious. In fact, men have always preferred a virgin for a wife of girlfriend. Virgin signifies purity and loyal. This is understandable. Men, who are ego-driven, always hope that they are girls’ FIRST and LAST partner!

So, a little notes for guys – do not spoil other tomatoes in the market and expect what you bought home is a pure and flawless one. This is just unfair!


十大求爱绝招 (女生篇)

致各位读 者,我之所以能有灵 感写这样的话 题,得归功于我在 COLLEGE的死 党 - LY。没有留 意她的一举一动,我是无法想出这十大绝招的。若有用的话,在这儿留言以感谢她吧!(以下的短片, LY便是女主角,为大家示范最佳的示爱招数,很厉害噢!)

Dear everyone, this drop dead gorgeous lady in this video clip is my classmate. Through this short clip, she will be teaching you on ways to express your love and attract your loved ones. I dare say, she is really experienced and BRAVE!! (She even came out with her own poem in this video clip...) Let's salute her!!

1- 勇敢的踏出第一步吧!原 地踏 步,默 默的等待那个他的时代已 经过 了。。。女 生们, 敢的站 起来,走 向他所站的位置吧!

2- 用任何你所要的方式,大声的说出你的感受。你可选择站在镜子前,反复的看着自己的表情,或者是利用录 像机,甚至手机,录下自 己深情款款的样 子,以便能练出必杀的迷人脸 孔。。。(而不是人见人怕的‘如花’ 样 )

3- 一 旦练成了必杀绝 招, 就得练一练文 采。 偏中的可选 择徐志摩, 甚 至李白, 崇洋的便参考莎士比亚。 耍创 意的可来个中 西合璧, 东凑西拼的编一篇流畅的情诗。

4- 女生们, 虽 然这是二十一世纪, 各式各样的中性服装到处可见。但,谨记于心, 适当的打扮, 必定能让 人眼前一亮。 要表白,先将宽 大的烂牛仔裤收起,换些女 性化的吧。不 过,千 万别过 火,否则就变成母猪戴耳 环啦。。。

5- 多些留意平日的他有些什么嗜好吧!如 果他爱喝咖 啡,不妨到他常去的咖啡厅,来个不约而同 地,让他对你留下深 刻一点的影响,觉 得冥冥中你 们俩有缘 分。但切记,适 当的碰 面,而不是去当偷窥跟踪狂。。。

6- 主动点,当有机会时,找点话 题谈吧。但是, 还未表白前,千万用别过 于深情的眼 神,过万伏特的电力吓跑对方。

7- 把握机会,制造多一 点的私人时间。这 个嘛,有时就得请 求朋友的帮 忙。趁大夥儿一 同出外看电 影时,求朋 友帮帮忙,做做红 娘,给你 们买单 独的票吧。。。(然 后宣称同座的票卖 完了)

8- 有些时候,适 当的有意无 意的暗示自己单 身的苦吧。。。(晚了回 家怕色魔,一 个 人看戏吃饭太无 聊。。。)

9- 女 生脸 蛋长得不漂 亮,没关系。没长 相,就靠气质和智慧取胜吧!平时多看些书 (不包括漫 画) ,留意时事(但不包括娱乐八卦新闻) ,学音乐或外语,都会让人对你刮目相看!

10- 集合了天时地利人和后, 就放胆一试吧!正所谓 “男追女, 隔重山, 女追男, 隔层纱” 。失 败后, 便再 接再 励, 总好过等着不开的花 儿吧。。。